Flavor for all
How Sparkling Ice overtook La Croix as America’s favorite flavored water.
Sparkling Ice
The Challenge:
Sparkling Ice has revolutionized the beverage industry by addressing an unmet consumer need for a beverage that is more flavorful than water and a “Better for You” alternative to soda. However, the competition is continually increasing as LaCroix and Bubly have focused on driving sales away from fruity waters and new entrants such as AHA have quickly built their distribution. Sparkling Ice needed a national campaign that allowed the brand to not only communicate their primary product benefits, but to elevate the emotional connection with consumers through consumer-driven, breakthrough creative.
The Solution:
We knew 2020 had the potential to be a divisive year – politically, economically, and socially. We knew people would be hungry for unity and would be on the lookout for products that would inspire a positive emotional connection, as well as communicate approachability and diversity. Our campaign, “Flavor for All”, gave us that platform to inspire delight and cheer, while driving awareness of the brand. FFA celebrates diversity, inclusivity, and positivity, while offering a flexible and nimble platform to reach our diverse audience sets through dynamic creative optimization. Before we were done, Sparkling Ice had gone from a challenger brand to the category leader…for all.
Awards: W3 Silver for the Next Big Flavor contest website
Messaging matrix for dynamic creative assets under the Flavor for All platform.
Dynamic assets served by audience and daily context
Sample user flow
Shopper promotion for entrants to design their own flavor of Sparkling Ice and win $100,000.
Flavor contest website sample UI
Flavor contest website sample UI
Social extension
Rewards program launch.
Sample Rewards website UI